Fear Not

Joshua 1:9  Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

This was the first verse that I memorized as a new believer.  It was the first time the Lord "spoke" to me through His word.

I was in the hospital six months after the birth of my second baby.  I was suffering severe postpartum depression and sleep deprivation.  One evening in my room I began reading the first chapter of Joshua and this verse grabbed my attention.

I realized I was not supposed to be a victim.  I did not have to be controlled by my emotions.  That is when my healing began.  It was a long road but I carried this verse in my heart through the journey.

It is a command of God to be strong and courageous.  It is not a request or a suggestion, it is a command.  In fact, verse 9 is the third time this command is stated in Chapter 1 of Joshua.

The commands of God are always for our own good.  They are a hedge of protection around our lives.  Jesus gives us the power to obey His commands.  He takes over where we are weak and covers our sins when we stumble.  We do not need to fear this mandate from God, for he has given us the means by which to obey.

Today let's leave our fear and dismay at the foot of the cross and receive God's promise that He will be with us where ever we go.

Thank you Father for your commands which are born of Your love for us and are always for our best.  Thank you for Your promise to always be with us.  Help us today to walk in Your will, to leave fear behind and go boldly forward in Your calling.  Take our burdens of dismay so that we may bring glory to You where ever You send us.
In Jesus name, Amen.

The Call to Share

For about a decade the Lord has been calling me to write a devotional.  Specifically, one focused on fear.  I clearly remember the first time he put the idea on my heart.

I sought council from an older godly woman.  She enthusiastically agreed that it was something I should do.

Through the years I have been learning a lot about the topic of fear and what God has to say about it.

To be honest, I have always doubted this calling.  Yet, it never faded and has been repeatedly put in front of me.

I am not a talented writer.  I am not a spiritual giant.  I don't have any of the attributes of a "devotional writer."  However, I can no longer avoid the calling.

Maybe no one will read this blog.  Maybe I will fail miserably.  Then I will know that all along it was my imagination and not God's will.

I feel that the time is now that I should start and this blog is my avenue of publishing.  Now is the time for me to toss out my fear and excuses and start on a new journey.

This blog will be a mix of devotional thoughts and testimony of my life experiences.  I pray it will bless someone in someway.

Thank you for visiting.

Lord Jesus, guide my mind as I share these thoughts.  Let me not lean on my own understanding.  Let me not mislead or deceive anyone.  Let this effort be a blessing.  If this is not of you, Jesus, please show me clearly.  Protect this endeavor from the enemy.  In Your precious Holy name, Jesus.  Amen